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The Friend I Never Made
Copyright George Papavgeris, December 2000
Personal - and true - but a generic lesson for parents all the same

There is a friend I never made
Too bad for me that it's my son.
I was too busy being grown up
He was too busy being young.
I was too busy being busy
And my relief, what I could find,
Being with other busy people
Complaining at the lack of time.

When he first talked, I didn't hear it;
When he first walked, I wasn't there.
He went to school - I didn't take him;
I didn't comb his tussled hair.
When he was hurt, it was his mother
That cared for him, talked him to sleep;
When he did well, I didn't praise him;
My pride and love I hid too deep.

I always seemed to be too tired,
Too busy or somehow not there.
When we did talk, I gave advice
"For his own good, because I care"!
Could he detect parental worry
Behind all those well meaning words?
Surely he knows how much I love him.
Surely he knows how much it hurts

each time I look at his old pictures
or find a note he left behind;
Each time I hear a tune he loved well,
Behind the tune his face I find.
I'll send him this; and when he reads it,
He'll know I've been his biggest fan.
But it's too late; I've lost the youngster;
He's been replaced now - by a man.

You can buy George's albums directly with PayPal secure payment

George's CDs are manufactured by Bump Studios

back to the top a life in 4 paragraphs CD, tracklists, lyrics, soundbites where you can see/hear George mugshots and others useful links, addresses etc email George
